"The appointment of First Aiders

Where more than 10 employees are employed at the workplace, the employer needs to appoint a First Aider. This is a compulsory legal appointment and the First Aider should be readily available during normal working hours.

Ratio of First Aiders:

Shops & offices - one First Aider for every 100 employees. Other work places - one First Aider for every 50 employees."

Mines - the further away you are from emergency service, the higher qualification your employees will need.

*Extracts from the Draft General Health & Safety Regulations

* Refer to Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996.

This course covers all first aid essentials and is the benchmark of first aid. It is also a  requirement of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, OHSA 1993.

This intermediate course includes all the content of the Basic course and covers the essentials of first aid in more detail.

This is a comprehensive and advanced First Aid course. It is ideal for persons with dangerous occupations, people that are exposed to hazardous environments or that are located far away from proper medical care.

CPR course covering adult, child and infant CPR.